
A little hidden gem.

Our client had recently moved from a mature garden to a blank canvas overlooked by neighbours.

The brief outlined the need for a space which was ‘neat and tidy’ but also with some character and points of interest.

As well as screening, there was the desire to create a space for dining outside, a good-sized area of lawn, a water feature and planting to soften. The garden already housed a small office which was to be integrated into the scheme.
The design uses pleached Beech trees to create a screen and to frame the office. A ‘hedera screen’ from Mobilane covers the southern boundary, creating a tall hedge without taking up much needed lawn space.
The main terrace uses natural stone which has been laid to create a frame within which decorative tiles are laid. This creates an outdoor ‘rug’ effect upon which the table and chair sit.

At one end the patio is a simple waterbowl which has been adapted to provide the gentle sound of a trickle of water. The other end, a wall has been built which can be used as additional seating and helps to separate the office and deal with the change in levels.

The planting has a simple palette with Nepeta, Erigeron and Salvia ‘Nachtvlinder’ and further height provide by Verbena bonariensis, an Olive tree and ornamental grasses.

Are you inspired, or need some help with your own garden design? Get in touch with our team.

Still looking for some inspiration? View some of our other garden design projects